Friday, January 16, 2009

Most of you know that I suffer from a disease called LUPUS. What lupus is, is my own immune system is confused and attacks my own body like it would attack a disease. So in essence my own body is trying to wipe me out. So how did this all come about! Well it started with the pain in my joints. About october of last year i noticed that I would come home and a normal day of work would make me exhausted. I was also felt amazing pain in my joints. Well being the stubborn guy that I am, I just ignored it until I coulnd't anymore. wife dragged me to the doctors. The first visit actually stumped him.....all my symptoms led to something but he had no idea what it was. Test were ordered and we waited....around december he finally narrowed it down and told me that I had lupus. Another trip to a specialist(my RHUEMOTOLOGIST) confirmed the diagnosis. During this time the weight loss started to be more noticeable. By February i was not doing well..Results from a ultra sound came back and showed irregularities in my gall bladder, so a march 23 surgery to remove it was scheduled. March 3, had been almost 4 days since i had been able to keep any food or water down...I also had gone through a week of having 104 and 105 fevers. That day afternoon I was rushed to the hospital for emergeny surgery to remove the gall bladder. In pre-surgery they had to poke me over 30 times to find a vein and insert a IV catheter. After the surgery I remained in the hospital for 7 fevers never subsided so they kept me as a precaution. I was also put on heavy antibiotics and a new medicine to address the lupus. After being released I had a follow up visit with my surgeon and doctor where they informed me that I had a liver disease called hemochromotosis...or to much iron in my system. I also was in danger of my vital organs failing as a result of the lupus. I was told that if these problems were not quickly remedied i will have 4 to 6 months to live. Nothing changed and the medicines were not working and 8 days later i was 14 lbs lighter and back in the hospital..many test were performed and it was found that the current meds I was taking was actually making me worse....that is the night I almost died! After two blood transfusions, a change in medication I was stabilized. It was then determined that the hospital in Safford did all they could do and they shipped me by ambulance to North West Medical Center in Tucson...5 specialist saw me everyday for 4 days and worked with my rhuemotologist to determine a course of action. Luckily I had a great reponse to the new medication! The only problem that remained was I kept losing weight. After being released fro Tucson my next month was spent laying on the couch with no energy. About 2 weeks later i hit my weight low point at 105 lbs. So in about 6 weeks i went from 145 to diet was tiny as my body had a hard time handling any kind of food! I love Jami so much for the sacrifice and time she put forth to help me recover. Around the end of april I had a appointment with my Hemotologist/Oncologist were they told me that my labs showed that my liver disease was stabilizing but my body was not producing red blood cells..that is a common symptom of bone marrow cancer. So he did a bone marrow biopsy right there in the exam room..numbed my hip, cut a small hole stuck in a hand cranked drill into my hip and took out some marrow with a syringe..OUCH like crazy! And again we waited..A week later i was cleared! Today I feel alot better. I am a normal weight and have not had any flare ups for 6 months! I just want to thank all those that prayed and fasted in my behalf. Also others that helped so much. I truly love you and am thankful for all tht you did! It was an amazing and humbling experience. I have learned much! I want to tell my wife how much i cherish and love her. She was totally amazing through it all..She truly is the reason I am alive..

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